Festival of Dreams 2019
At the Santa Cruz Mueseum of Art & History
Downtown Santa Cruz, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Contact us to inquire about volunteering
Program of Events
FRIDAY at the Museum of Art & History
On-going Friday events 4:00-8:00pm
Registration, Bookstore and Consultation Sign Up in Foyer
Come browse presenter books for sale...
…or maybe buy a Festival T-Shirt!
And be sure to sign up for your 30 minute dream Consultation which can be held either at the Festival or as a “rain check” later. More details about the Consultations coming soon.
Pop Up Art Show with Dream Films in Garden Room during the breaks
Gorgeous and evocative dream-inspired art...
… art of all mediums will be represented from paintings, ceramics, photography and ceramics to live actions and animated films. There will be a One on One Meet the Artists Event Saturday at 1:15 PM.
Hypnagogic Dream Chamber in Classroom
Interactive Aboriginal art installation and (tonight only) LIVE spacey music
An interactive dream experience where attendees immerse themselves in the “gateway between sleep and dreams” through hypnagogic art and music.
Asclepeion Healing Temple in Atrium
Dream Incubation and Guided Meditation Experience
In ancient times, the Asclepeion temple was a sacred place to incubate dreams for healing and knowledge. Attendees will experience our Festival’s “modern day version.”
Dream Character Mask Making in Atrium
Get ready for the Dream Ball!
Bring your own dream characters to life by creating masks using papier-mâché blanks and array of decorative materials. Makes a perfect costume accessory for the Dream Ball!
Live Dream Painting in Atrium
Watch and interact with local artist Lolo Jie-Ye as she creates...
…an original, dream-inspired painting over the course of the festival, fueled by the energy and atmosphere of our event. Lolo invites festival-goers to engage with her in conversation about the piece, her inspiration, and anything else dream-related as she works
Lauren “Lolo” Jie-ye’s work is inspired by psycho-emotional climates and the interconnectedness of life. She paints portraits that combine abstraction and photorealism for her business, “Between Us Portraits,” to help animal-lovers commemorate special spiritual-emotional connections with their pets. In non-commission work, her active dream life supports her waking artist’s life with compelling imagery and insights into deeper well-bein
Friday Evening Session, 5:00-8:00pm at the MAH
5:00-6:00pm in Garden Room, Opening Celebration!
Special Event: Dream Inducing Ballad by Stephen DuPraw
The Ballad of Antelope, Canteloupe, Peanut and Snail
Using language and characters accessible to all ages, this humorous rhyming tale illustrates ancient worldviews in historical and contemporary life challenges. Told from memory and lasting about 15 minutes, it is based on cycles of nature in the characters and in the world at large. Despite misadventures, its message is uplifting and transformational, and of course, dream-friendly!
Stephen DuPraw earned a master’s degree in traditional acupuncture while writing for children and adults as an avocation. He continues to write as he pursues an additional master’s in counseling psychology. He also offers supervised volunteer grief counseling under the auspices of a local hospice organization.
Welcome and Grounding by Katherine Bell
Begin at the Beginning...
Invite your body to the Festival and meet your neighor too!
Dream Telepathy Sending Event by Linda Mastrangelo
The Psi Event!
Opening celebration will be followed by an
interactive Psi Dreaming Experience. Together, we will telepathically “send a target image” to our remote receivers in hopes that they will dream of the image.
Results of the event will be announced Saturday night before keynote performance.
6:00-7:30pm in Garden Room
Featured Workshop (CE) by Gregg Levoy
The Relationship Between Our Dreams and Our Callings
Dreams and callings have much in common. Both emanate from the unconscious, point to “true north” and away from the familiar, have consequences if ignored, and request a response. In this workshop, participants explore how dreamwork can help discern callings and how clarification of callings can draw on dreams to help discern and navigate those calls.
Gregg Levoy is the author of Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life and Vital Signs:The Nature and Nurture of Passion; a blogger for Psychology Today; former “behavioral specialist” at USA Today; has presented at the American Counseling Assn., Smithsonian, National Conference on Positive Aging, Microsoft, Esalen & Omega; written for the NY Times Magazine, Washington Post, and appeared on ABC-TV, CNN, NPR and PBS.
7:30-8:00pm in Garden Room
Special Event, by Susan Ackerman Joseph (SackJo22) and Angela Grillo
PRAYER: Songs of the Way
Songs of the Way is an interactive offering of sound, vision and song incepted in dream and developed using Dreamcrafting techniques. The songs and visuals presented are prayers of praise, petition, and participation. Performed live, Songs of the Way is a unique union of healing and performing arts that closes with an old fashioned style sing along.
Susan Ackerman Joseph (SackJo22) is a somatic practitioner, teacher, and multi-media artist who offers unique guidance for psycho-spiritual growth and development. In her work with individuals and groups, Susan generously shares what she has learned along her way as a somatic practitioner, an MFT, and as a student of our deepest wisdom as revealed in dreams, symbols and nature.
Angela Grillo is a DreamCrafter, dream reader, dream yogi, artist, and maker-producer of performance. She currently creates transformational workshops and performance based projects using dreams as the main source of inspiration for content and development. Angela holds an MFA in Theatre-Performance Making with her thesis in DreamCrafting
SATURDAY at the Museum of Art & History
On-going Saturday events 10:00am on
Registration, Bookstore and Consultation Sign Up in Foyer, Bookstore closes at 6pm
Come browse presenter books for sale...
…or maybe buy a Festival T-Shirt!
And be sure to sign up for your 30 minute dream Consultation which can be held either at the Festival or as a “rain check” later. More details about the Consultations coming soon.
Pop Up Art Show with Dream Films in Garden Room during the breaks, ends 6pm
Gorgeous and evocative dream-inspired art...
… art of all mediums will be represented from paintings, ceramics, photography and ceramics to live actions and animated films. There will be a One on One Meet the Artists Event Saturday at 1:15 PM.
Hypnagogic Dream Chamber in Classroom, ends 7pm
Interactive Aboriginal art installation and spacey music
An interactive dream experience where attendees immerse themselves in the “gateway between sleep and dreams” through hypnagogic art and music.
Asclepeion Healing Temple in Atrium, ends 10pm
Dream Incubation and Guided Meditation Experience
In ancient times, the Asclepeion temple was a sacred place to incubate dreams for healing and knowledge. Attendees will experience our Festival’s “modern day version.”
Dream Character Mask Making in Atrium, ends 8pm
Get ready for the Dream Ball!
Bring your own dream characters to life by creating masks using papier-mâché blanks and array of decorative materials. Makes a perfect costume accessory for the Dream Ball!
Live Dream Painting in Atrium, ends when the painting is done!
Watch and interact with local artist Lolo Jie-Ye as she creates...
…an original, dream-inspired painting over the course of the Festival, fueled by the energy and atmosphere of our event. Lolo invites Festival-goers to engage with her in conversation about the piece, her inspiration, and anything else dream-related as she works.
Lauren “Lolo” Jie-ye’s work is inspired by psycho-emotional climates and the interconnectedness of life. She paints portraits that combine abstraction and photorealism for her business, “Between Us Portraits,” to help animal-lovers commemorate special spiritual-emotional connections with their pets. In non-commission work, her active dream life supports her waking artist’s life with compelling imagery and insights into deeper well-bein
Bonus Event! Saturday, 10-11am
The Festival of Dreams will be broadcasting LIVE on the local community radio station
90.7FM streaming live at KSQD.org via The Dream Journal radio show hosted by Katherine Bell.
Look for the KSQD banner and come by to talk about how you got interested in your dreams.
Saturday Morning Session, 11:00-12:30 at the MAH
Garden Room: Inner Work and Creativity Symposium
Jane E. Carleton, MA, GG
Inner Voice of Wisdom Experiences as Dream Events
In both dreams and waking life, inner voices may be perceived as an internal message or even an external voice. These experiences have clarity, wisdom, and an unforgettable quality of the numinous. We’ll explore these helpful gifts of dreaming with true stories of personal Inner Voice of Wisdom experiences.
Jane E. Carleton, MA, GG, specializes in dreams as a personal advisor, educator, and workshop leader. She holds graduate degrees in both Dream Studies, and Consciousness and Transformative Studies from JFK University and has taught dream courses as adjunct faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Jane is also a professional gemologist/jewelry appraiser with over thirty-five years of experience.
Susan Ackerman Joseph (SackJo22) and Angela Grillo
Dreaming into Creativity
During “Dreaming into Creativity,” the presenters of PRAYER: Songs of the Way, Angela Grillo, MFA (Dreamcrafting), and Susan Ackerman Joseph, MFT (Somatic Resonance) will share more about their unique integrative approach to working with dreams and other unconscious material as a reservoir of creative inspiration and personal resource
Susan Ackerman Joseph (SackJo22) is a somatic practitioner, teacher, and multi-media artist who offers unique guidance for psycho-spiritual growth and development. In her work with individuals and groups, Susan generously shares what she has learned along her way as a somatic practitioner, an MFT, and as a student of our deepest wisdom as revealed in dreams, symbols and nature.
Angela Grillo is a DreamCrafter, dream reader, dream yogi, artist, and maker-producer of performance. She currently creates transformational workshops and performance based projects using dreams as the main source of inspiration for content and development. Angela holds an MFA in Theatre-Performance Making with her thesis in DreamCrafting.
Jennifer J. Choate, M.D. (chair)
In Search of Self: A Method of Dream Self-analysis
This presentation offers a personal account of the use of Parts Theory together with active imagination to compassionately explore thoughts, motives, feelings and needs of dream elements and their interrelationships. This process can aid the dreamer in releasing unresolved internal issues that block the freedom of the core being, enhancing one’s ability to live more authentically in the worldces.
Jennifer Choate has a lifelong involvement with her dreams and has done dream work since 1988, encompassing both experiential and projective approaches. She has studied intensively under various teachers, offered one-on-one experiential work, and led groups. Jennifer was a founding member of The Festival of Dreams (formerly the Dream Caravan). She is a semi-retired physician of internal medicine, hematology and oncology, a wife and mother of three adult sons.
Boardroom: Extraordinary Dreams Workshop (CE)
Robert Hoss, MS
Lucid dreaming: the science, psychology and cosmic experience
Lucid dreaming is one of the most exciting ways to explore the full nature of who you are as well as the frontiers of consciousness. This workshop briefly covers the science and psychology behind lucid dreaming and explores methods of incubating lucid dreams. Participants share examples, experiences, questions, and tips, and discuss practical applications, including psychological and physical healing.
Robert Hoss, MS is a director and past president of IASD, Director of the DreamScience Foundation for research grants, and faculty member of the Haden Institute. He is author/editor of Dreams: Understanding Biology, Psychology & Culture (2019) and Dreams That Change Our Lives (2017) and is author of Dream to Freedom (2013) and Dream Language, 2nd ed. (Free download on www.dreamscience.org). His work is published in 8 other books and 4 journals.
Classroom: Dream Tending Workshop (CE) 25 max
Claudia DeBorde, MA
Let’s Explore Dreams: Imagination, Animation, Curiosity and Sustainability
Each night we experience another world and an ancient, symbolic language that is as unique as our fingerprints. Who is visiting? Why have they come? In this workshop, we explore how dream images have body, presence and pulse, and learn skills for dream animation, active imagination, and Dream Council as a way to deepen the relationship with these figures.
Claudia DeBorde has an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara and is a credentialed teacher. She has studied Dream Tending with Stephen Aizenstat Ph.D. for 25 years and is currently assisting with the Certification I & II programs.
Rooftop Sculpture Garden: Dream Group, 15 max
Lisa Hines, MA
Dreaming With The Moon
Experience the synergy of group dreamwork using standard techniques of projection and active imagination combined with Lisa’s unique approach of accessing the energy of the moon for guidance and insight. Discover the potency of working with dreams and the moon together, cultivating the dreamer’s connection to their own wisdom, intuition, and inner knowing.
Lisa Hines, MA, Dream Teacher and Certified Life Coach (LisaHines.com), shares her lifelong passion for dreamwork, combining traditional techniques with a unique approach of incorporating the moon phases into the dreamer’s experience. Lisa’s approach cultivates active imagination, creativity, and intuition for inner knowing, emotional well-being, and personal growth. Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University, formerly ITP.
On Your Own
Explore the many dining options: nearby at the Abbott Square food court or roam the streets to choose from the local offerings
12:45-1:15 In the Boardroom. Special Event: Singing Bowls with Kim Molloy
Sacred Sound Immersion
A Sound Journey can carry us beyond the mind-locks of our consciousness to the deeper regions of our Soul. Sound speaks to our Soul in a way that nothing else does. It is intimate, it is visceral, it elicits feeling. The secret to it’s power is its ability to bypass our intellect and touch our emotions. Penetrating deeply through our innermost being, sound unifies our isolated pieces, restoring the harmony of the whole. Sound links us with the remembrance of our Soul’s essence.
Kim Molloy is a Sound alchemist at Crystalline Sound.
1:15-1:45 In the Garden Room. Special Event: Meet the Artist!
Pop Up Artist Meet and Greet
A casual event where you can meet with the artists who will be available at this time to share and explain their works for anyone from the conference who has questions, is interested in particular pieces, or who wishes to understand an artist’s process.
Saturday Afternoon Session, 1:45-3:15 at the MAH
Garden Room: Extraordinary Dreams Symposium (CE)
Savarna Wiley, MA, CCHT
Dreams and Visions of the Dying
People at the end of life often have dreams or visions that bring comfort and help prepare them for death. Though important and impactful, these experiences are often sidelined, not explored or even validated. How to understand the gifts inherent in such dreams and visions? How to respond? We will touch into the mystery, grace and teachings such experiences offer.
Savarna Wiley, MA, CCHT has worked as a hospice chaplain and end-of life educator since 1998. She maintains a private practice in the Santa Cruz area drawing on art therapy, transpersonal psychology and hypnosis. A “trance weaver,” Savarna has taught advanced hypnotic modalities for The Newton Institute and has been a conference presenter and author in the field of consciousness
Linda Mastrangelo, MA, LMFT (chair) with special guest Cheryl Ban
The Power of Place: Sacred Sites and the Dream
Have you ever felt the spirit of a place? If so, how did it transform you? Through personal dream experiences living in the Santa Cruz Mountains, along with research on sacred sites, Linda Mastrangelo will explore how the frequency of place affects our state of consciousness and brings wisdom in profound ways.
Linda Mastrangelo, MA, LMFT is an educator, artist and psychotherapist with a private practice in the San Francisco Bay area specializing in grief and dreamwork. She has presented her work on dreams internationally and for numerous publications, including as a contributor for Sleep Monsters and Superheroes. Linda is adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University and serves on the Board of Directors for IASD. You can visit her website at lightningtreetherapy.com
Boardroom: Clinical Workshop (CE) 25 max
Norman M. Brown, Ph.D.
Detail-focused Jungian Dream Exploration
“What’s the most surprising moment in your dream?” invites us into a rabbit hole that leads to a Wonderland of meaning beneath our conscious mind. In this workshop we’ll experiment in dyads with the surprising moments and unique elements in our dreams. Then Dr. Brown will guide the gradual revelation of unique meaning in one or two participants’ dreams, in search of wisdom and potential guidance for both the individual dreamer and the group participants.
Norman Brown has PhDs in Humanities/Literature and Psychology and has provided dream-guided couple and individual therapy and facilitated men’s growth groups for over 40 years. He published an advanced college textbook on love relationships in 2000 and has developed detail-focused refinements of Jungian dreamwork since the 1990s.
Classroom: Dream Group, 20 max
Marsha Hudson, Ph.D.
All Dreams Come in the Service of Health and Wholeness
Projective dream work is a democratic method in which group members all participate in suggesting interpretations to help create the dream’s meaning. In this experiential group based in the Ullman method, we will use the projective approach, drawing upon Jungian principles and archetypes to provide participants with in-depth dream work. We will work at least two dreams and everyone in the group will learn how to contribute to the interpretations.
Marsha Hudson, Ph.D. has led dream work groups and workshops in Santa Cruz for over 18 years. She is a certified dream work facilitator and gestalt practitioner and holds a doctorate in comparative literature. She is the founder of the Dream Forum, a regional dream community, and is chief editor of The Berkeley Literary Women’s Revolution.
Rooftop Sculpture Garden: Dreamwork Workshop, 15 max
Judy Dale
Using Tarot to Work with Dreams
A Tarot reading uses symbols to help unlock the unconscious mind. When we combine Tarot with a dream, a conversation emerges between Tarot and dream symbols, allowing us to journey deeper into the dream. In this workshop, we will work with participants’ own dreams using this method. No experience with the Tarot is necessary. Please bring a short dream and, if possible, a Tarot deck (any deck can be used).
Judy Dale has been interested in the information we get from images all of her life – thus the name of her website: insightsthroughimages.com. She began looking at her own dreams with a Jungian analyst and studying the Tarot in the 1980s. Judy’s educational background includes an M.A. in Education, an M.B.A., and studies in the Transformational Art program at JFK University.
3:15-4:00pm In the Atrium
Special Event: Community Movement and Song Break by Debbie Nargi-Brown
We are the Music Makers, We are the Dreamers of the Dream
Come sing and dance and celebrate this wondrous life! Songs to uplift your Spirt, bring joy to your heart and make your body move! We will sing easy to learn call and response type songs that everyone can learn and sing. Through community singing we will connect with each other through song and the great Source of joy within us all.
Debbie Nargi-Brown is a gifted facilitator of both song and dance. She has taught African Inspired Dance for over 30 years in Santa Cruz. She was the recipient of the 2004 Calabash Awared for outstanding achievement in the Ethnic Arts. She facilitates dancing and singing events in California, Hawaii, Canada, and Europe. She has taught dance at the University of California – Santa Cruz for three years, as well as teaching dance and singing workshops at Harbin Hot Springs, Esalen, Camp Krem in the Santa Cruz Mountains to name a few. She leads singing circles locally and at special events and workshops.
Saturday Late Afternoon Session, 4:00-5:30 at the MAH
Garden Room: Research and Methodologies Symposium (CE)
Patricia Kilroe (chair)
Mirrors Both Literal and Symbolic: The Value of Dream Reports
Although a dream report involves selective focus and insufficient language to describe novel images, it is the selected content of the report itself that shines light on the dreamer’s concerns and preoccupations. This presentation will show that a close reading of dream reports for both literal statements and symbolic imagery offers a fresh approach to exploring what is being mirrored back to us about concerns and preoccupations as well as suggested courses of action and solutions to problems.
Patricia Kilroe is a professor of Writing & Literature at the California College of the Arts in Oakland, CA, where she has taught a course on dream studies since 2012. She has been working with and writing about language and rhetoric in dreaming for two decades.
Paul Kalas, Ph.D.
A Lifelong Project to Test the Reality of Precognitive Dreams
A key function (or consequence) of sleep and dreaming may be to nurture instincts in animals or intuition for humans by perceiving future information. We present new evidence that a small fraction of dreams are precognitive and propose that identity is shaped by memories of both our past and our possible future life experiences encountered in dreams. We study possible correlates in physics and neuroscience, assess the evolutionary purpose, and comment on the significance for the individual.
Paul Kalas, Ph.D is an astronomer who searches for planetary systems around other stars using the most advanced telescopes in existence. He is an astronomy faculty member at UC Berkeley and has published a comprehensive book on precognitive dreaming called The Oneironaut.
Dra. Sonia Lyra
Transforming Dreams in Active Imagination
This work explores the process of Active Imagination and the corresponding techniques that can significantly enhance work with dreams. The dialectical method will be presented with examples such as: note the dreams, choose an image for dialogue and then, with consciousness, in a state of full attention, invite the image to a dialogue.
Sonia Regina Lyra, PhD Post-Doctorate in Philosophy, PhD in Sciences of Religion, Master in Philosophy, psychologist, photographer, writer, director of ICHTHYS Institute of Analytical Psychology, teacher: Jung; Nietzsche; Cusa and Kierkegaard, researcher in active imagination: www.sonialyra.com.br. Jungian analyst, member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology, and member of IASD.
Boardroom: BodySoul Dream workshop (CE)
Eva Rider M.A., LMFT
The Sleeping Beauty: Awakening the Dreaming Body
This workshop explores the synchronous confluence between the structure of fairy tales and dreams. Entering through a retelling of “The Sleeping Beauty,” we will explore how lifetime dreams serve as guides to awaken imagination and can be mirrored and embodied through art, music and dance.
Eva Rider MA, MFT is a Jungian Depth Psychotherapist, dream consultant and workshop leader. Her 35-year study in metaphysics incorporates the glyph of the Tree of Life as a foundation for her work integrating dreams with art, movement, and music using imagery from tarot, alchemy and fairy tale. Eva is a graduate of the Marion Woodman BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training. Eva Rider has taught Dreams, Jungian Theory and Myth as adjunct instructor at John F. Kennedy University, taught workshops internationally and serves on the Board of Depth Psychology Alliance.
Classroom: Creative Dreamwork Workshop (CE) 15 max
Kimberly Mascaro, PhD, LMFT and Chris Fenaroli, MA, LMFT
Catching Visitation Dreams
Visitation dreams, in which we encounter a deceased loved one, are a profound phenomenon, and are often engaging and captivating. Visitation dreams can provoke questions about the nature of the dream world. Mascaro and Fenaroli appreciate visitation dreams in their personal lives, as well as honor clients’ visitation dreams in therapy. This workshop combines guided visualization, art-making, inquiry and discussion.
Kimberly R. Mascaro, PhD is the author of Extraordinary Dreams: Visions, Announcements and Premonitions Across Time and Place (2018), and has worked in the fields of mental/behavioral health and education for close to 20 years. She is a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT), dreamworker, artist, and blogger at www.consciouschimera.com
Chris Fenaroli, LMFT, has been a mechanical engineer, a kindergarten teacher, and is now a mental health therapist. He works with children, teens and families at a mental health clinic in Concord, CA, specializing in trauma and attachment work. He has facilitated and participated in dream groups for 10 years.
Rooftop Sculpture Garden: Dream Group, 15 max
Katherine R. Bell, PhD
Dreams as Emotional Immune System
Dreams are postulated to be a naturally evolved part of our emotional healing system, analogous to our immune system. By bringing the feelings and images of dreams into consciousness and bodily awareness, we enhance their transformative power. I encourage dreamers to slow down to explore feelings and associations to enhance their innate healing power. We will share dreams in dyads, practicing a non-judgmental, non-interpretive form of dreamwork.
Katherine Bell PhD (Santa Cruz, California), founder of Experiential Dreamwork, is a dream coach and has lead dream groups for 20 years. She founded the Santa Cruz Festival of Dreams, which is in its third annual incarnation and this year is also an IASD Regional Event. Katherine is a member of the IASD Ethics Committee and has a Certificate of Study in Embodied Dreamwork. Find her at ExperientialDreamwork.com
Atrium: Somatic Workshop (CE)
Laura V Grace, Ph.D. candidate
Somatic Dreams: An Embodied Approach to Dream Work
In this workshop, we will delve into nightmares, blending Jungian and somatic perspectives. Extracting from her Somatic Dream Expression™, dreamers and therapists who work with their patient’s dreams, will learn to “move” disturbing dream images, allowing the dreamer to safely face the fear, defuse dread, and experience even nightmares as supportive and transforming.
Laura Grace, Ph.D. candidate, is a Jungian practitioner in San Luis Obispo, CA and has taught over 200 programs on dreams. Her Somatic Dream Expression™ embodies the soma/psyche connection, emphasizing how dream images are alive in the body. Laura is completing her Ph.D. at Pacifica Graduate Institute and is author of Dreams: Soul-Centered Living in the 21st Century, A Depth Psychological and Somatic Approach to Transformation. www.lauragrace.net
5:30-6:45 Dinner Break and costume donning!
On Your Own
Explore the many dining options: nearby at the Abbott Square food court or roam the streets to choose from the local offerings
Get your dream "on"!
It’s time to get ready for the evening’s revelry!
You can use the restrooms or the Boardroom for costume changing.
Saturday Evening Program, 6:45-10:15pm at the MAH
All Saturday Evening events are in the Atrium
Did they hear us??
Find out what our psychic dreamed about. Did they get our message??
7:15-8:00 Keynote Event with Katie Mason
Solo Performance
“I bring creative expression and poetic voice to my dreams, and my talks have the feel of a one woman show. I combine storytelling, slam poetry, humor and images, for a cross-genre dream performance. Discovering my unique dream voice is transforming my life, and I want to share it with the world.”
Katie Mason, MA, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist who lives and works in Denver Colorado. She has a BA and an MA and has worked in mental health for over 12 years. In her experience, both with her self and with her clients, working with dreams can accelerate emotional and physical healing, unleash blocked creativity, and unlock the deepest wisdom you have. Katie says, “I see therapy as the first steps to living an adventurous life, learning to make our own rules and not let our past hold us back from anything.”
Find her at http://counselingtherapistdenver.com/
8:00-8:30 Starting and ending in the Atrium.
Costume Promenade with Band of Merry Dream Pranksters
Strut your stuff and follow Katie Mason out of the MAH and into the night for a quick gambol around the ‘Cruz dressed as your chosen Dream Character. Embody your dream gift and let the dream move you.
8:30-10:15 In the Atrium. The Dream Ball!
Let the Revels begin... with DJ Steve Smith
The Dream Ball is a chance to dance and socialize while embodying a dream character that is meaningful for you. We’ll have a live DJ spinning danceable tunes and animations playing on the wall on which to feast your eyes. You can purchase beverages from Abbott’s Square right next door and bring them in for inhibition-reducing sipping.
A costume is not required, but you may find that by holding the intention of honoring your dream, the dream will reward you with a deeper experience of its message and a chance to try out a new or emerging aspect of yourself.
SUNDAY at Twin Lakes Beach
Sunday Morning Program, 10: 30 - noon
The Festival of Dream closing celebration!
Join us for a bonfire, a drumming performance by the Santa Cruz JABOWHAF drummers and a celebration ritual to wrap up your weekend experience.
If you need a ride to the beach, PUT YOUR NAME ON THE SIGN UP SHEET at the registration table, and we will arrange carpools from the Museum. Otherwise, you can park on the street by the beach and walk out to find us.
If you are a local, please bring extra chairs and beach blankets for our out of town guests.
This is the beach, but it is only April and that Pacific is COLD! Bring layers to be sure you are warm enough.
Festival of Dreams 2019
Contact [email protected] with questions.
In the meantime, keep informed by joining our Facebook page here.
Or look for us on Facebook and Instagram #KeepSantaCruzDreaming
The International Association for the Study of Dreams
The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History
Or browse around our web page from last year.