Festival 2018
Note: you are viewing a page from our 2nd annual Festival of Dreams held on March 11, 2018.

Thirty Minute Private Dream Consultation Included!
Do you have a dream you’ve been wondering about? Bring it to the Festival and explore it during your private thirty minute session. You can schedule your session during the event or have it later at your leisure in what we call a “Rain Check”.
You and your dreams will always be treated with the utmost respect, dignity and confidentiality. We all subscribe to the IASD Statement of Ethics and Confidentiality which states that YOU are the final authority on your dreams and have the choice to share or not share as you see fit.
We’ve assembled a team of experienced dreamworkers from the Santa Cruz area and beyond. Browse among the practitioners below to see who you might like to sign up with at the Festival, and then get there early to get your first choice!
Katherine Bell, PhD
Norman Brown, PhD, LMFT
Jennifer Choate, MD
Phoebe Evans
Phoebe Evans is a certified dream worker with her certificate from the Marin Institute of Projective Dream Work and uses the Jeremy Taylor projective method (“if it were my dream”). For rain checks, she is available in the evenings by phone.
Marsha Hudson, PhD
Johanne LaRocque
I have worked with Jeremy Taylor since the early 1990s, when I first met him at the GTU in Berkeley and am MIPD certified. Since that time I have enhanced my dream work by participating in courses by Robert Moss, various teachers at the Haden Institute and the anthropologist Angeles Arrien. I believe the right way to work a dream is what works for an individual and incorporate teachings from all of these insightful people.
Carol Malady
Carol tuned into her dreams at a young age with great interest, and has been fascinated by all things dream-related ever since. Having studied dreaming and dreamwork methods for over 40 years, she believes that exploring dreams with care and curiosity can lead us to a better understanding of our own true nature and the nature of reality itself. She is a long time member of IASD and has studied with Jeremy Taylor/MIPD. She instructs a Dream Exploration & Group Dreamwork class for Santa Cruz Parks & Rec, and serves on the Planning Committee for Festival of Dreams Santa Cruz
Linda Mastrangelo, MA, LMFT
Eva Rider, MFT
Bill St. Cyr
Festival 2018
Note: you are viewing a page from our 2nd annual Festival of Dreams held on March 11, 2018.